Sabtu, 8 Oktober 2011

what the SILLY AND FUNNY things!!!!;D

now the sixth semester of my diploma has finish and what clearly is im not totally finish my study coz need to extend the sem while my fellow has already settle their diploma and can be free like a bird flying high on the sky..what a beautiful moment they already i need to hold for 6 month yet to get that feeling that im always waiting for the day in my lifetime..when i wrote this i already in hometown and just back from college recently a couple of days ago..what the funny things is the time i wrote just recenty being summons by the cops at the junction heading to MOKKU restaurant near my my home..what the funny is moment is when this happen im just stop for a while my bike because theres's a traffic light at the junction that need me to stop by and unfortunately while waiting these light to go green..these two cops in their blue uniform and motorcycle were heading toward me and im just like what...this is shit!!!what the hell!!! not wearing the helmet that time and i know they will stop at me and ask for my offense not wearing the helmet..eventually that things were really happen..these two cops stop in front of me and start the small talk about the offense that i have done..hmmm what in my mind at that time is im just u know let it be either they wanna summons me or whatever..meanwhile in my small talk with them,im try to persuade them with the nice talking and u know talk either they can tolerate to me because im a student,the distance that im heading to is not too far from my home and bla,bla,bla...what the funny things that i want to write here is this one cop was recognized me because this guy have dealing with me the past two or three years im not really remember..hahaha..for what case im just can't tell here and that just be my secret..;)......after a couple of minute then they decide to give me a summon..actually at the first place im feel that they do not want to summons me but when they look at my license nah they were surprised that my license were already expired and not continue it yet due to none of the JPJ office at my university what's in my mind is they probably will summons me coz im already get two offense now..eventually what im think is true that they want to summons me for that offense and they ask me either want they summons on the helment or license just totally blur and brainless at that time and just keep on try to persuade them not to summon me..but lastly they put out the summons form and write my name and the details on it..but what make me wanna laugh is these two cops were ask me what type of offense i wanna them to write on that summon just thinking hmm im being arrested by the not so cruel cops coz im actually can tolerate to them and that one young cops is actually treat me not so rude and nice too tell to them to put on the side mirror offense on that form and they just write that on the summon form and im a bit relieved coz i thought the side mirror summons is not too high maybe the amount that i need to pay that summons..and then when they finish fill the summons form and give it to me this young cops were told to me to not be arrogant to him anymore..hahaha..this really wanna make me wanna laugh as u know im with the anti-cops ethics that i'm hold then..but after they just go and passing me by there's cross in my mind either i should not be so arrogant and try to greet or say hye to these young cops..hmmm this were messing in my mind and need me to think deeply coz there u know..against my principle by greet the cops..hahaha..but maybe im just can regard as my friends coz they have help and tolerate to me..who knows..maybe im just regard him as a due to what happening to me and these cops..;)...but what the real is my view toward cops never change..hahaha..never ande never change...although im can be friends with these young cops who i'm also not know yet his name..;p...

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Starving child under capitalist


I’m writing to show you how the cycle reinforces itself. Every slave child in Asia works longer than the average worker in the West, but gets paid between US$0.01, and US$0.05 per day (not sure if or how much children in sub-Saharan Africa get paid). With this, they buy enough food to barely survive, and force themselves to live longer. When the money is finished, they could only want more, so what do they do? They go back to work. This is how the Capitalist cycle reinforces itself; the employees are kept poor so that they’re forced to return, to work, for more money. This is common in the West, where the working class isn’t paid too much, to ensure they still have “a reason to work.”
They’re paid enough to survive, and that’s it, but what happens with children, that is so different? The children are from age 8, to probably 17. They do cross puberty, and they go through the hormonal raging, and with no guidance, they end up seeking the slightest bit of love from each other; young children get children. So more children are born, and their parents, who are still children, can’t afford to send them to school. They’re uneducated, and not expected to get a good job, even when they reach the decent age, so they join their parents in the shoe factories to help to keep the family alive, or they end up stealing, just to have a little more food to keep them alive for another few days. Who gets the blame? Should they give up, and die? People would say that’s pathetic and weak, but stealing just to survive, in a life that they never chose, in the first place? They’re probably punished for that too, so they live double-wrong lives, and they do realize it, which is why some end up as prostitutes, doing anything for a little money (both boys & girls). Is this the world we want?
And again… The cycle reinforces itself, because the children have more children, and they can’t afford to send them to school, so they end up in the same factories, to the benefit of the fat capitalist cats.

What do you do to stop it? When you buy brands like Nike, GAP, Wal-Mart, McDonald’s (happy meal toys), and Banana Republic, you support their involvement in child labour. You contribute to the demands for their products, and they try to maintain a good supply, so they continue the enslavement; if you don’t buy from them at all, you’re slowing business for them. Don’t say “Oh, they made it already, so it’s not like leaving it there will prevent the fact that a child made it.” Things like that make no sense in the business world! When you buy the child(slave)-made products, you’re encouraging the company to get more made! So stop supporting their businesses. If something is made out of a khaki-coloured denim, it’s likely made by a juvenile sweatshop in India, so if you support khaki school uniforms, you support the abuse of Indian children! Many adults are unemployed… Why can’t we send them to do those jobs for a fair salary instead? The kids work harder, considering they’re less physically fit to do certain jobs, yet they’re paid less. Is that right?

Khamis, 15 September 2011

A Poem To The Starving Children

We will come and save you
But first we must save ourselves
First we must cure our minds
First we must heal our broken spirits

We will come and save you
But first we must save our souls
From the financial machines
The war machines
The military industrial machines

We will come and save you
But first we must save our minds
From the cancerous spread of ignorance
From the machinic tools of distraction
From the fears that they have stuffed in our hearts

We will come and save you
But first we must save our psychology
From the bombardments of advertisements
From the neurological attacks on our psyche
From the deceptions that lingers in all aspects of consumption

Rabu, 7 September 2011

whenever i think about my life i wonder is i can really get and doing what i dream an age ago..or is'it just fade away and i just be typical like others!!!

Khamis, 25 Ogos 2011

oleh Hishamuddin Rais

Sekali lagi saya ingin membincangkan Mat Rempit. Saya telah menulis tentang Mat Rempit ini beberapa kali. Dari awal lagi saya telah mengambil pendirian untuk bersimpati terhadap Mat Rempit. Kebelakangan ini saya selalu terbaca berita dan laporan yang agak negatif terhadap Mat Rempit.

Ada berita Mat Rempit melanggar orang, terlibat dalam kemalangan, tidak memiliki lesen, melawan polis, menggangu lalu lintas dan seribu satu macam lagi kesalahan. Sebenarnya semua laporan dan berita ini betul. Tetapi untuk saya apa yang dilaporkan ini hanyalah sebahagian dari naratif Mat Rempit. Ada lagi naratif Mat Rempit yang sengaja tidak disebarkan ke pengetahuan umum. Apa yang kita baca hanyalah manifestasi dari satu femonena yang pemahamannya tidak menyeluruh.

Jika ada sahaja apa yang dianggap masaalah maka langkah yang pertama ialah menghukum

Seperti biasa dalam negara kita ini, jika ada sahaja apa yang dianggap masaalah maka langkah yang pertama ialah menghukum. Mereka yang memiliki pandangan ini berpendapat, lebih berat hukuman yang dijatuhkan maka lebih cepat ‘masaalah ‘ itu selesai. Ini adalah pandangan cetek dari fikrah yang bebal.

Menghukum bukan jalan penyelesaian. Hukuman tidak pernah memyelesaiikan apa-apa masaalah. Lihat sahaja kes dadah. Dari teorinya jika hukuman mati dikenakan kepada penyuludup dadah maka mereka akan takut dan dadah tidak akan masuk ke nagara kita ini. Kini telah lebih dari 2 dekad hukuman mati diperkenalkan terhadap si penyuludup. Jelas kelihatan kemasukan dadah tidak pernah putus malah bertambah dan permintaan terus meningkat. Angka penagih bertambah dan angka pesalah yang digantung juga bertambah. Ini bererti bahawa hukuman mati ini tidak membawa apa-apa makna. Ianya tidak menyelesaikan masaalah dadah.

Dari permerhatian ini saya menjatuhkan hukuman sebagai jalan pintas untuk berhadapan dengan Mat Rempit ini adalah satu kerja yang kurang arif. Awal wahid, kita wajib memahami bahawa Mat Rempit ini adalah satu fenomena sosial. Fenomena ini lahir dengan hukum dan syarat-syarat budaya. Mat Rempit tidak wujud dalam satu ruang yang kosong. Fenomena ini ditimbulkan hasil dari pembudayaan dan persekitaran yang wujud disekeliling kita.

Dalam negara kita ini ada satu perangai yang cukup menjelekkan – perangai anti anak muda.

Dalam negara kita ini ada satu perangai yang cukup menjelekkan – perangai anti anak muda. Perangai anti anak muda ini diwakili orang-orang tua yang memiliki kuasa dan yang ingin menunjukan kuasa mereka. Anak-anak muda memanggil mereka ini ‘old tie’. Gelaran ini lahir dari sikap orang-orang tua yang tidak memahami naluri dan sentimen kemudaan.

Sikap anti anak muda ini jelas. Lihat sahaja dalam hal persatuan pelajar. Mereka di kongkong dari berkumpul dan berpersatuan. Mereka tidak dibenarkan menyusun dan mentabirkan persatuan mereka sendiri tanpa campur tangan ‘orang-orang tua’ . Hasilnya lihat pula persatuan-persatun belia hari ini. Hampir ke semuanya dipimpin oleh orang-orang tua. Ada diantara pemimpin belia ini telah botak dan telah bercucu cicit.

Sikap ini memberi makna bahawa kita tidak memiliki keyakinan terhadap anak-anak muda kita. Mereka tidak diberi peluang untuk berkumpul mengurus hal ehwal mereka sendiri. Kita menganggap anak-anak muda ini tidak memiliki fikrah untuk membuat sesuatu yang baik. Sikap ‘patronising’ ini cukup kuat dalam budaya orang-orang tua di Malaysia. Sikap ini jugalah yang melahirkan Mat Rempit.

Baru-baru ini ada usaha untuk mengumpulkan Mat Rempit. Sekali pandang kelihatan ini adalah satu langkah yang baik. Tetapi umum mengetahui bahawa Mat Rempit ini hanya ingin digunakan sebagai jentera untuk mencari pengaruh. Tidak wujud cita-cita untuk memberikan ruang kepada Mat Rempit ini untuk merayakan budaya rempit mereka. Tidak disediakan ruang untuk mereka menyusun diri mereka dan membuat program untuk merayakan hidup mereka. Mereka ingin dipayungi untuk tujuan mencari pengaruh politik. Mereka ingin dikumpulkan agar mereka dapat dipergunakan. Apakah ini satu perbuatan dan langkah yang jujur dann ikhlas?

Kita wajib memahami fenomena kemudaan. Mat Rempit ini adalah expresi budaya muda yang wujud hasil dari sistem ekonomi yang digalakan olih orang tua-tua sendiri.

Kita wajib memahami fenomena kemudaan. Mat Rempit ini adalah expresi budaya muda yang wujud hasil dari sistem ekonomi yang digalakan olih orang tua-tua sendiri.Lihatlah, bukankah orang-orang tua yang ingin meraut keuntungan yang maksima apabila mereka membuat kilang-kilang motorsikal. Bukankah orang-orang tua juga yang menggalakkan anak-anak muda ini membeli produk motor ini. Galakan ini ini cukup memeranjatkan – tanpa apa-apa duit muka atau cengkeram anak-anak muda ini boleh membeli mortor-motor ini. Mereka hanya diminta mendaftar dan berjanji akan membayar harganya setiap bulan.

Dua minggu lalu saya terbaca satu berita bagaimana orang-orang tua yang berkuasa telah meluluskan belanjawan 1 billion ringgit – bukan untuk membuat bagunan kelab anak muda atau tempat riadah anak muda atau padang bola tetapi 1 billion untuk membaiki jalan raya. Tidak kah orang-orang tua ini sedar sebanyak mana pun jalan yang di buat akhirnya jalan ini akan menjadi sesak juga. Ini hukum dan syarat pembuatan jalan raya.

Dalam heboh-heboh mengutuk Mat Rempot ini, saya terbaca satu surat dari seorang pembaca dalam sebuah akhbar Melayu arus perdana. Surat pembaca ini telah menerangkan bagaimana kawasan litar motosikal di Batu Tiga, yang popular pada satu masa dahulu telah diambil alih olih kerajaan orang tua untuk dijualkan kepada pemaju perumahan mewah.

Di ruang ini saya berharap kepada pembaca sebelum mengambil keputuasn untuk ‘mengutuk’ Mat Rempit, sila luangkan masa untuk datang bersantai ke Dataran Merdeka di waktu malam. Sila tanyakan kepada si Mat Rempit yang berkumpul di sana – dari kawasan mana mereka tinggal. Jangan terperanjat kerana mereka ini tinggal dalam kawasan-kawasan padat seperti di Kerinchi, Pantai Dalam, Gombak dan sebagainya. Sila tanyakan ada berapa buah bilik dalam rumah mereka. Jangan terperanjat jika mereka menerangkan flet mereka hanya memiliki dua bilik. Dan jangan terperanjat apabila mereka menerangkan bahawa ahli keluarga mereka ada 5 atau 6 orang.

Sila tanya apakah ada pandang bola, padang permainan, kelab sukan atau kawasan riadah dalam kawasan perumahan mereka. Jika mereka mengatakan dulu ada padang bola tetapi telah diambil alih oleh pemaju – jika ini jawapan mereka maka saya berharap para pembaca akan memahami bahawa merempit dengan motosikal itu adalah salah satu aktiviti riadah untuk Mat Rempit yang kebanyakannya memburuh sebagai mata pencarian.

Saya juga terbaca dalam akhbar arus perdana bahawa ada sebahagian Mat Rempit ini datang dari kampus-kampus di sekitar Kuala Lumpur. Sila tanya pula kepada para pelajar ini jika mereka tinggal di asrama berapa orang tinggal dalam satu bilik. Saya sendiri telah bertanya dan terperanjat apabila saya diberitahu pada ketika ini bilik-bilik asrama di Universiti Malaya yang dahulunya hanya untuk dua pelajar kini telah menjadi tempat untuk tiga pelajar. Dan bagaimana pula dengan mereka yang tinggal menyewa di luar kampus? Pasti lebih padat.

Sebenarnya orang-orang tua yang selalu membebel dan mengeluarkan hukum hakam ini tidak mengetahu bahawa Mat Rempit ini lahir dari dasar dan budaya yang mereka sendiri dirikan. Orang-orang tua yang berkuasa ini tidak menghormati anak-anak muda ini. Tidakkah orang-orang tua ini faham hidup berasak-asak dalam kawasan sempit ini lahir dari dasar perumahan yang mereka sendiri gubal.

Kenapa orang-orang tua yang membuat dasar mendirikan rumah-rumah flet dua bilik tidak didakwa. Kenapa orang tua yang menjualkan kawasan padang bola tidak didakwa. Kenapa pemaju yang selalu merampas kawasan kampung yang permai tidak di dakwa. Kenapa pemaju yang gagal menyediakan kawasan riadah tidak didakwa. Semua mereka yang wajib didakwa adalah orang-orang tua

yang sebenarnya menjadi punca-punca awal yang melahirkan fenomena Mat Rempit. Orang-orang tua ini juga adalah sebahagian dari naratif Mat Rempit yang tidak diketahui umum.

Untuk saya Mat Rempit ini adalah satu expresi anak muda yang wajib dirayakan.

Untuk saya Mat Rempit ini adalah satu expresi anak muda yang wajib dirayakan.Mereka ini cukup kreatif dalam hal mengubah suai motosikal mereka. Untuk saya mereka adalah jurutera motosikal yang tidak terdidik secara formal. Mereka memiliki keberanian yang luar biasa ketika menunggang motosikal. Cara mereka mencelok ke kiri dan ke kanan telah menjadi satu seni.

Kita wajib merayakan anak-anak muda kita dengan kreativiti mereka. Kita wajib memberikan ruang untuk mereka menyusun dan mengendalikan kemudaan mereka. Anak muda hari ini perlu memimpin diri mereka sendiri. Jangan lupa dunia ini akhirnya adalah milik anak muda.


credit to ISHAM RAIS...

Rabu, 3 Ogos 2011

"Every time you treat another human with consideration and respect, you are being an anarchist. Every time you work out your differences with others by coming to reasonable compromise, listening to what everyone has to say rather than letting one person decide for everyone else, you are being an anarchist. Every time you have the opportunity to force someone to do something, but decide to appeal to their sense of reason or justice instead, you are being an anarchist. The same goes for every time you share something with a friend, or decide who is going to do the dishes, or do anything at all with an eye to fairness"

Rabu, 15 Jun 2011

When there is state there can be no freedom, but when there is freedom there will be no state.

-Vladimir Lenin...

Jumaat, 10 Jun 2011


Because old age pensioners eat dog food.

Because single moms on welfare cry.

Because politicians steal our futures.

Because women can’t walk the streets safely.

Because I want to breathe fresh clean air.

Because hope, freedom and dignity are never on special at walmart.

Because capitalism is a scam.

Why am I an anarchist?

Because I’m tired of supermarket rip offs.

Because truth, peace and justice are almost extinct.

Because TV and newspapers lie.

Because kids go to school hungry.

Because I feel unsafe around cops.

Because America’s president leaves me no choice.

Because poetry and butterflies demand equal time.

Why am I an anarchist?

Because no one will watch the rain.

Because groundhogs and rabbits are getting murdered.

Because two-headed chickens protests and no one listens.

Because twenty minutes of sunshine can now kill.

Because rent is no longer affordable.

Because we deserve better.

Why am I an anarchist?

Because banks rob people and it’s not a crime.

Because I want to banish all cars from the city.

Because they built prisons but close hospitals and schools.

Because neither the sun, the moon or the stars are for sale.

Because corporate greed destroys lakes, rivers and forests.

Because I’m not afraid to dream.

Because I refuse to remain silent.

Why am I an anarchist?

Because it’s time to shut down McDonalds.

Because I have friends who can’t afford to visit the dentist.

Because one homeless family is too much.

Because the state blames and attacks the poor but rewards it’s friends.

Because no fat cat lying politician ever has to wait for the bus.

Because I want social revolution now (now) (now) (now)

Why am I an anarchist?

Why am I an anarchist?

Why am I an anarchist?


Selasa, 7 Jun 2011

We want a world where our government is local and accountable and truly 'by the people, for the people'. A world where democracy is direct and real.

We want a world where we do not work for the profit of others, but for our own benefit.

We want a world where we keep whatever profits our work produces, rather than giving it away to absentee owners.

We want a world where the management of our firms is accountable to us, not appointed by strangers.

We want a world where there is full employment - that large numbers of people were not kept semi-permanently unemployed, and wasted to society. We want a world where there is no more poverty.

Rabu, 1 Jun 2011

"can any government exist if the people are actively opposed to it? Could even the strongest government carry out any undertaking without the aid of the populace, without the help of the masses, the workers of the country?"...ALEXANDER BERKMAN.

Ahad, 29 Mei 2011

"Let's talk about socialism. I think it's very important to bring back the idea of socialism into the national discussion to where it was at the turn of the [last] century before the Soviet Union gave it a bad name. Socialism had a good name in this country. Socialism had Eugene Debs. It had Clarence Darrow. It had Mother Jones. It had Emma Goldman. It had several million people reading socialist newspapers around the country. Socialism basically said, hey, let's have a kinder, gentler society. Let's share things. Let's have an economic system that produces things not because they're profitable for some corporation, but produces things that people need. People should not be retreating from the word socialism because you have to go beyond capitalism.".........HORWARD ZINN.....

Jumaat, 27 Mei 2011

"dulu kita tunduk pada raja, dan patuh pada kaisar.sekarang kita hanya tunduk pada kebenaran dan patuh kepada cinta"

-kahlil gibran

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all human beings, irrespective of race, color, or sex, are born with the equal right to share at the table of life." Emma Goldman..

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

blue for the capitalism..yellow for the feudalism then hide in the name of religion..then we all been trap in their whats more????

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

media bias and prejudice is really SHIT u know..untill when they want to feed the lies and bias to the society ha?can u all to me that?...this i post a lyric that i made a week ago then i will write properly about this later ya..if i have a time and a piece of mind maybe..;)>...

all the lies that you preach that for the sake of ur own way
we just dont fucking give a damn about it anyway
all we know it never ever can change anything anyway
whatever they are we are ungovernable all the way

mass media u go through and be ur own tools
mainstream channel sustainly feed us all with all the fake news
what more can u all got in this country of shits
the peeps still silent then act like a blind adherence.

hey can u all tell me what the hell the election was???
u just voting for the another tory to ruin up ur life...
if it change something then it would be illegal dude
now u can see mates who keep the sin over the saints it was..

Did they ever think about the man with a can in the streets
seeking for the money just to fit their one feed
hey mate where the humanity that was forsaken for the greed?
all they ever think and want is all about the dollar and pounds

Sabtu, 2 April 2011

nonsense..dont read it at all or u will feel silly after read it...

its been a long time for me not update any entry in this..maybe a lil bit buzy with the study,assigment and anything else that really annoying me to write something in this blog..previously this blog is only contain my own lyric that come from my real heart i
guess..hahaha..maybe this entry is a bit silly for u all to read it but who cares??this is my blog i can write anything that i like be it silly,stupid etc..hahhaha..hmm dont know what move me to write this one maybe my bored in this midnight move me to write this silly,..actually many thing been browsing around my mind rite now and dont know which one i should express rite now but i guess i just want to write and write again even it bollock for u to read it..;P

my mind rite now a little bit messy with many thing around and i think this blog is the only way that i can express besides it be in my song lyric..haha..but for the lyric it must be something neat sentence u know..i guess exam is just around the corner and it seem like a heavy burden for me again to face it with a lot of subject to cover off..ahhh.really sick of it..what i really need is fnish up all that and just want to run,run,run to the other world that can really suit me well..escape all this shit..always counting the days where i can finissh up my diploma that give me none interesting at all beside want to fulfill my parents desire to this course..ahhh..sometime i ever wonder and always thought why i should take this eventhough i know this can't get me along..what i know now is hope can get an average result that can proceed to degree and want to take the course that can suit me well and give me more knowledge i want to sleep well and thanxx for those who read this nonsense entry..hahaha..maybe next time i will write about something else that can generate our mind but u all must wait for me to finish up my george orwell book as well..thats really can give me much inspiration..;)..