Sabtu, 30 April 2011

media bias and prejudice is really SHIT u know..untill when they want to feed the lies and bias to the society ha?can u all to me that?...this i post a lyric that i made a week ago then i will write properly about this later ya..if i have a time and a piece of mind maybe..;)>...

all the lies that you preach that for the sake of ur own way
we just dont fucking give a damn about it anyway
all we know it never ever can change anything anyway
whatever they are we are ungovernable all the way

mass media u go through and be ur own tools
mainstream channel sustainly feed us all with all the fake news
what more can u all got in this country of shits
the peeps still silent then act like a blind adherence.

hey can u all tell me what the hell the election was???
u just voting for the another tory to ruin up ur life...
if it change something then it would be illegal dude
now u can see mates who keep the sin over the saints it was..

Did they ever think about the man with a can in the streets
seeking for the money just to fit their one feed
hey mate where the humanity that was forsaken for the greed?
all they ever think and want is all about the dollar and pounds

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