Isnin, 14 Ogos 2017
Ahad, 5 Jun 2016
Gaya hidup kini dah berubah
Anak-anak terasuh mindanya
Lahir generasi bijak pandai
Pakar IT pakar ekonomi
Jaguh sukan dan juga jutawan
Berkereta jenama negara
Megah menyusur di jalan raya
Pernah tak kau berfikir dan medalami ayat makna lirik ini yang mana jika kau pernah melihat di kaca tv siaran lagu ini beserta dengan imej yang dipaparkan pada mulanya pasti akan membuat seorang budak berfikir yang mana sdirinya harus bijak pandai bukan?..namun disinilah pointnya ‘buruh nelayan dan juga petani gaya hidup kini dah berubah”…kita mengerti dahulu ekonomi pasca merdeka dan selepas merdeka ekonomi rakyat Malaysia masih dalam lingkup pertanian sebelum diubah dasar oleh Mahathir.Apa yang ingin didoktrin disini adalah bahawa semua rakyat Malaysia ini haruslah terasuh mindanya dan menjadi generasi bijak pandai yang mana didoktrin bahawa pekerjaan sebagai buruh.petani dan nelayan adalah satu bentuk terkebelakang dan tidak patut dilihat dengan sewajarnya,disinilah telah terserap idea akan system kapitalis itu sendiri yang mana jikau kau perhati apda rangkap kedua yang berbunyi ‘pakar it,pakar ekonomi,jagu sukan dan juga JUTAWAN berkereta jenama Negara megah menysur dijalan raya.
Kejayaan semakin hampiri
Biar di kota ataupun desa
Kita semua pasti merasa bangga
Keranamu kami mendakap tuah
Keranamu kami bangsa berjaya
Keranamu kami hidup selesa
Limpah budi kemakmuran negara
Keranamu kami bebas merdeka
Keranamu nyawa dipertaruhkan
Keranamu rela kami berjuang
Demi bangsa kedaulatan negara
Rabu, 16 September 2015
Sabtu, 8 Oktober 2011
now the sixth semester of my diploma has finish and what clearly is im not totally finish my study coz need to extend the sem while my fellow has already settle their diploma and can be free like a bird flying high on the sky..what a beautiful moment they already get..now i need to hold for 6 month yet to get that feeling that im always waiting for the day in my lifetime..when i wrote this i already in hometown and just back from college recently a couple of days ago..what the funny things is the time i wrote this..im just recenty being summons by the cops at the junction heading to MOKKU restaurant near my my home..what the funny is moment is when this happen im just stop for a while my bike because theres's a traffic light at the junction that need me to stop by and unfortunately while waiting these light to go green..these two cops in their blue uniform and motorcycle were heading toward me and im just like what...this is shit!!!what the hell!!!..im not wearing the helmet that time and i know they will stop at me and ask for my offense not wearing the helmet..eventually that things were really happen..these two cops stop in front of me and start the small talk about the offense that i have done..hmmm what in my mind at that time is im just u know let it be either they wanna summons me or whatever..meanwhile in my small talk with them,im try to persuade them with the nice talking and u know talk either they can tolerate to me because im a student,the distance that im heading to is not too far from my home and bla,bla,bla...what the funny things that i want to write here is this one cop was recognized me because this guy have dealing with me the past two or three years im not really remember..hahaha..for what case im just can't tell here and that just be my secret..;)......after a couple of minute then they decide to give me a summon..actually at the first place im feel that they do not want to summons me but when they look at my license nah they were surprised that my license were already expired and not continue it yet due to none of the JPJ office at my university area..now what's in my mind is they probably will summons me coz im already get two offense now..eventually what im think is true that they want to summons me for that offense and they ask me either want they summons on the helment or license offense..im just totally blur and brainless at that time and just keep on try to persuade them not to summon me..but lastly they put out the summons form and write my name and the details on it..but what make me wanna laugh is these two cops were ask me what type of offense i wanna them to write on that summon form..hahaha..im just thinking hmm im being arrested by the not so cruel cops coz im actually can tolerate to them and that one young cops is actually treat me not so rude and nice too actually..im tell to them to put on the side mirror offense on that form and they just write that on the summon form and im a bit relieved coz i thought the side mirror summons is not too high maybe the amount that i need to pay that summons..and then when they finish fill the summons form and give it to me this young cops were told to me to not be arrogant to him anymore..hahaha..this really wanna make me wanna laugh as u know im with the anti-cops ethics that i'm hold then..but after they just go and passing me by there's cross in my mind either i should not be so arrogant and try to greet or say hye to these young cops..hmmm this were messing in my mind and need me to think deeply coz there u know..against my principle by greet the cops..hahaha..but maybe im just can regard as my friends coz they have help and tolerate to me..who knows..maybe im just regard him as a due to what happening to me and these cops..;)...but what the real is my view toward cops never change..hahaha..never ande never change...although im can be friends with these young cops who i'm also not know yet his name..;p...
Sabtu, 17 September 2011
I’m writing to show you how the cycle reinforces itself. Every slave child in Asia works longer than the average worker in the West, but gets paid between US$0.01, and US$0.05 per day (not sure if or how much children in sub-Saharan Africa get paid). With this, they buy enough food to barely survive, and force themselves to live longer. When the money is finished, they could only want more, so what do they do? They go back to work. This is how the Capitalist cycle reinforces itself; the employees are kept poor so that they’re forced to return, to work, for more money. This is common in the West, where the working class isn’t paid too much, to ensure they still have “a reason to work.”
They’re paid enough to survive, and that’s it, but what happens with children, that is so different? The children are from age 8, to probably 17. They do cross puberty, and they go through the hormonal raging, and with no guidance, they end up seeking the slightest bit of love from each other; young children get children. So more children are born, and their parents, who are still children, can’t afford to send them to school. They’re uneducated, and not expected to get a good job, even when they reach the decent age, so they join their parents in the shoe factories to help to keep the family alive, or they end up stealing, just to have a little more food to keep them alive for another few days. Who gets the blame? Should they give up, and die? People would say that’s pathetic and weak, but stealing just to survive, in a life that they never chose, in the first place? They’re probably punished for that too, so they live double-wrong lives, and they do realize it, which is why some end up as prostitutes, doing anything for a little money (both boys & girls). Is this the world we want?
And again… The cycle reinforces itself, because the children have more children, and they can’t afford to send them to school, so they end up in the same factories, to the benefit of the fat capitalist cats.
What do you do to stop it? When you buy brands like Nike, GAP, Wal-Mart, McDonald’s (happy meal toys), and Banana Republic, you support their involvement in child labour. You contribute to the demands for their products, and they try to maintain a good supply, so they continue the enslavement; if you don’t buy from them at all, you’re slowing business for them. Don’t say “Oh, they made it already, so it’s not like leaving it there will prevent the fact that a child made it.” Things like that make no sense in the business world! When you buy the child(slave)-made products, you’re encouraging the company to get more made! So stop supporting their businesses. If something is made out of a khaki-coloured denim, it’s likely made by a juvenile sweatshop in India, so if you support khaki school uniforms, you support the abuse of Indian children! Many adults are unemployed… Why can’t we send them to do those jobs for a fair salary instead? The kids work harder, considering they’re less physically fit to do certain jobs, yet they’re paid less. Is that right?
Khamis, 15 September 2011
A Poem To The Starving Children
We will come and save you
But first we must save ourselves
First we must cure our minds
First we must heal our broken spirits
We will come and save you
But first we must save our souls
From the financial machines
The war machines
The military industrial machines
We will come and save you
But first we must save our minds
From the cancerous spread of ignorance
From the machinic tools of distraction
From the fears that they have stuffed in our hearts
We will come and save you
But first we must save our psychology
From the bombardments of advertisements
From the neurological attacks on our psyche
From the deceptions that lingers in all aspects of consumption